Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What hair highlight color goes good with black hair?

nothing too crazy like pink, blue, etc. also if u have pictures... please give me the link!!What hair highlight color goes good with black hair?
my friend got red highlights and they look great ..also try copper,chestnut or other shades of brownWhat hair highlight color goes good with black hair?
i hate highlights buuut

the only color that looks good with brown skin (other than black) is a dark red. so do dark red highlights if you really want some done.

you might be able to pull off a medium brown color depending on what you look like i guess.

don't do blonde, you'll look tacky %26amp; ridiculous.

and since you need a link:


that's bright red, but that's a nice hairstyle and um.. yeah,.
maybe some red or blonde highlights. or even light brown.

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